How PMS disrupts studies (and how to take control of it!)

By |2025-01-28T06:31:39+00:00January 28, 2025|Addressing Executive Functioning in the Classroom, Education, Guest Blog, Parenting, Parenting Strategies for Executive Functioning development, Practical Strategies, Teachers|

Hormones - we all have them. These chemicals in our bodies have a profound impact [...]

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Counting confidence – Unpacking maths anxiety and strategies overcome it

By |2024-01-04T17:58:58+00:00January 4, 2024|Addressing Executive Functioning in the Classroom, Education, Parenting, Parenting Strategies for Executive Functioning development, Practical Strategies, Teachers|

The other night, I went out for a lovely dinner with a group of friends. When the bill arrived at [...]

Unblocking writer’s block – how perfectionism gets in the way of good essay writing

By |2023-10-31T08:40:08+00:00October 30, 2023|Addressing Executive Functioning in the Classroom, Education, Parenting, Parenting Strategies for Executive Functioning development, Practical Strategies, Teachers|

In our work as executive function coaches, supporting young people at school and university, one of the issues we most [...]

Anxiety and revision: How to support an anxious young person during exam time

By |2023-10-12T07:36:00+00:00October 12, 2023|Addressing Executive Functioning in the Classroom, Education, Parenting, Parenting Strategies for Executive Functioning development, Practical Strategies, Teachers|

Exam time can bring up a multitude of feelings, a significant one being anxiety. Studies have found that anxiety is [...]

Understanding Transitions: 5 Practical Strategies for Teachers & Parents

By |2023-09-25T06:51:03+00:00September 25, 2023|Connected Club, Education, Parenting, Parenting Strategies for Executive Functioning development|

As a mother of three young girls all in transitional years at school the last few weeks have been both [...]

Protecting your peace: 3 Steps to Setting Your Emotional Boundaries

By |2023-07-10T10:18:23+00:00July 10, 2023|Parenting Strategies for Executive Functioning development|

Applying executive function strategies to help your child navigate the transition back in to the school routine will make it smoother for everyone.

Essay writing and executive functioning: Real stories of struggles and triumphs

By |2022-11-18T09:11:36+00:00November 17, 2022|Parenting Strategies for Executive Functioning development|

Applying executive function strategies to help your child navigate the transition back in to the school routine will make it smoother for everyone.

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5 reasons why you may find the festive season stressful

By |2022-11-17T11:24:33+00:00November 10, 2022|Parenting Strategies for Executive Functioning development|

Applying executive function strategies to help your child navigate the transition back in to the school routine will make it smoother for everyone.

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